Old Friends
In loving memory of
Ted and Georgia.
In loving memory of
Toodles and Cindy Lou.
In loving memory of
Ralph and Samantha.
The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs | home
In Memory 2009-2015
"Accept this pain with grace, for . . .
you have saved a life well worth living."
--Helen Friedman, Paws to Think, Spring 2004
A Tribute to Three Grand Old Dogs:
On March 24, 2011, Sanctuary personnel traveled to Columbus, OH, to meet the dogs from One More Chance, a rescue gone horribly wrong. The Clark County Humane Society with help from the ASPCA removed over 350 dogs from unspeakably horrid conditions. The Sanctuary took three dogs that day (from left to right): Happi, a spirited Black Lab, passed over because she was thought to be painfully shy; Cali Rose, a gentle, very frightened Yellow Lab; and Dolly, a sweet old gal missing half an ear. Happi was quickly adopted by Carol who fell in love with her gentle but lively personality. Cali Rose and Dolly stayed with the Sanctuary in our Forever Foster program because it was too difficult for them to adjust to another move. Sadly, all three girls have since crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, but not before each of them learned the joy of unconditional love: Happi with Carol and Dolly and Cali Rose with their foster caregivers. Dolly was the last to leave us, making her journey on Christmas Eve 2013. We at the Sanctuary are privileged to have shared in the lives of these three grand old dogs. The love of an old dog is unlike anything else on earth. And our many memories of Happi, Cali Rose, and Dolly help to ease the pain of their passing. Rest in peace, girls.

Gilbert, a small, older Husky mix just arrived to the Sanctuary from Cleveland Animal Care & Control. He has low vision and some problems walking. He will see a veterinarian shortly, so look for an update on his age, health, and temperament. So far he is relaxing after spending a week in a noisy pound. Several baths later, he feels better and smells much better.
Update: Sadly, Gilbert's first vet visit revealed advanced lymphoma and internal bleeding. Together with our trusted veterinarian, we made the difficult decision to help Gilbert leave his sickness and suffering behind and cross the Rainbow Bridge in the arms of his foster caregiver on October 19, 2015. Three days in his foster home was not nearly long enough, but he got to leave the noise of the shelter behind and enjoy love and care. Godspeed, Gilbert. We miss you.
Hoggy--a 15-year-old Malamute mix, came to us in August 2014 from Guernsey County where he was surrendered along with Iggy above by an owner who could no longer care for them; he was promptly diagnosed with kidney disease and has responded well to a special diet, lots of love, and medical care. Although sometimes a little grumpy. Hoggy enjoys life in his Forever Foster home and is very bonded to his foster mom. You can help us meet Hoggy's medical costs by sponsoring him or by making a one time donation for him.
Update: Hoggy's health continued to decline, and when it became apparent that his quality of life was no longer acceptable, his foster caregiver and our veterinarian decided that it was time to let him go and be free of his illnesses. So on September 30, 2015, Hoggy made that journey across the Rainbow Bridge to join his very best friend Iggy who left us just about a month earlier. His foster caregiver misses him terribly as does everyone who knew this delightfully grumpy old man. RIP, Hoggy.
Photo courtesy of Portraits by Martha.
Archie is a great old Boxer approximately 10 years old. He has personality plus and seeks out the company of people and other dogs. He came to us from a rural central Ohio shelter where he had received no interest. Unfortunately, Archie seems to have some health problems; his initial blood panel showed elevated liver and kidney enzymes. We are awaiting the results of a monthly follow-up exam and blood test to try to pinpoint his problems and his prognosis. Our vet has ruled out leptospirosis, which was a possibility. If Archie is healthy enough, he will be available for adoption. If not, he will enter our hospice program and become one of our Forever Foster dogs.
Update: Archie came to us with some serious health problems that have not resolved. On the advice of our trusted veterinarian, Archie has entered our hospice program where he will receive palliative care and lots of love for as long as he has a good quality of life. You can help us meet Archie's medical costs by sponsoring him or by making a one time donation for him.
Update: Archie's health began to fail quickly, and on October 8, 2015, with the guidance of our veterinarian, we made the difficult decision to help Archie cross the Rainbow Bridge and leave his suffering behind. Godspeed, Archie. You are loved by everyone who had the privilege of meeting you.
Photo on the right courtesy of Portraits by Martha
Skippy, 10-year-old Yellow Lab mix, just arrived from Cleveland Animal Care & Control. His vet visit revealed a very underweight dog who is blind but seemingly without major health issues. He will be neutered and have a dental as soon as he gains some weight and has time to get comfortable in his foster home. Poor Skippy was covered in bite marks when we got him. But that did not seem to affect his ability to get along with the other friendly dogs. Sadly, Skippy's condition was far worse than we realized at first. On November 8, 2015, Skippy was rushed to the emergency clinic with labored breathing. He passed away the next morning of a lung hemmorage, probably from advanced cancer. Skippy had such a short time with us, but he knew he was loved. RIP, Skippy.

Lenore, a sweet former hunting Beagle, came to us from a southern Ohio shelter in 2014. At about 8 years old, Lenny, as she is fondly called, has clearly been an outside dog. She came in with many intestinal parasites and lung worm, something new to us. Her parasites have been aggressively treated, and she has recovered. She was recently spayed and had a malignant mammary tumor removed. Our vet is optimistic about her chances for a full recovery, and her first follow-up chest x-ray was clear with no sign of metastasis; she will have one more x-ray in three months just to be sure. Lenny also battled a stubborn UTI and continues to improve in her house training.
Lenny is a sweet dog who will do well with a person who does not work long hours and can spend lots of quality time with her. She is available for adoption or for a foster-to-adopt pending resolution of her health issues. If you are in NE Ohio and want to learn more about Lenore, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Sadly, Lenny's cancer has returned, this time in her lymph nodes. Two tumors were removed in July, and our vet reports that one was a moderately aggressive form of cancer. She will receive the best palliative care and remain with us as part of our hospice program for whatever time she has left. You can help us meet Lenny's medical costs by sponsoring her or by making a one time donation for her care.
Update: Sadly, Lenny's health has continued to deteriorate. An x-ray in August showed a large tumor in her lungs and a very enlarged liver. Lenny does not have much time left, but she is enjoying lots of love and ice cream.
Update: Lenny's condition continued to worsen, and on September 18, 2015, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge in the arms of her foster caregiver and under the guidance of our veterinarian. Lenny should have been with us much longer, but her life was cut short by cancer. RIP, Lenny. You were one of a kind.
Photo on the right courtesy of Portraits by Martha.
Lucas, a 10+-year-old Shar-Pei/Shepherd mix, arrived at the Sanctuary in April of 2015 very emaciated and gravely ill. He has come a long way in his time with us, but he still battles severe back pain and anemia. He has gained over 16 pounds and still has a few to go to reach a normal weight. Lucas is a loving, friendly fellow found wandering along the Shoreway in Cleveland by a good Samaritan and taken to Cleveland Animal Control. His health is so delicate that he will remain in his Forever Foster home to enjoy whatever time he has left. You can help us meet Lucas's medical costs by sponsoring him or by making a one time donation for him.
Update: Lucas's health failed suddenly and dramatically on September 6, 2015, and he was helped to the Bridge surrounded by people he loved and who loved him. Lucas was only with us for five months, but they were five months filled with love. We hope Lucas knew how very special he was. Godspeed, Lucas until we meet again.
Photo on the left courtesy of Portraits by Martha.
Iggy--a 15-year-old Schnauzer mix originally named Piggy-- came to us in August 2014 from Guernsey County where he was surrendered by an owner who could no longer care for him; he was very thin and in need of medical care and lots of TLC. Iggy is a loving and sweet dog who gets along well with people and other dogs, but he absolutely does not love cats and cannot live peacefully with them.
Iggy would love to curl up on your warm couch this winter and spend time just being your best friend.
Update: Iggy has developed multiple health problems and will stay in his foster family for life. You can help us meet Iggy's medical costs by sponsoring him or by making a one time donation for him.
Update: Iggy's body just gave out on him on August 19, 2015, and he left us for the Rainbow Bridge surrounded by the love of his foster family. Godspeed on the rest of your journey, Iggy. We wish you could have stayed longer.
Photos of Iggy courtesy of Portraits by Martha.
Hazel is a very special girl who came to us with a sad story. She and 85 other dogs were removed from the home of a hoarder in Mansfield, Ohio, in June. The conditions were deplorable, and, sadly, only 22 of the dogs survived. Hazel, whom the shelter estimated at 14 years old, was pregnant and gave birth to four puppies at the shelter. Very shy and poorly socialized, Hazel was not likely to be adopted out, so she came to the Sanctuary where she has been slowly learning to trust people and to interact with them. Our vet Dr. Bob at Tremont Animal Clinic believes that Hazel's age was closer to 8 than the 14 suggested by the shelter. That is good news for Hazel. We hope she has a long time left to enjoy life as a loved family member rather than just a number. Because adjusting to new experiences is difficult for Hazel, she will remain in her foster home where she enjoys patrolling the yard with the other dogs and sharing love and treats with her foster caregiver.
Update: Hazel has been with the Sanctuary more than five years now. She is 13 or 14 years old and happy as long as she has her very own chair. She shares a foster home with Nolan, Mango, and FayFay, all of whom are her very best friends, especially Nolan. She still loves chasing squirrels and stray cats out of her yard; she sings and dances for her dinner and generally enjoys her life. Your support helps meet Hazel's medical needs, which include supplementation and medication for spinal arthritis and daily medication for her allergies and thyroid condition.
Update: Hazel, now 14-15 years old, celebrated her six-year anniversary as part of the Sanctuary family in September 2014. She has developed mild kidney disease and has begun to experience some dementia. She is receiving palliative care and will stay with us as long as her quality of life allows. We love Hazel. She has been with us longer than any other Sanctuary dog, and we hope she will stay with us for a long time to come.
Update: Hazel began to fail on August 14, 2015, and, despite our efforts, we could not keep her comfortable, so we made the difficult decision to allow her to leave her struggles behind and cross the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us there. RIP, Hazel. Your almost seven years with us were an inspiration in overcoming adversity. We miss your irrepressible spirit.
Maisie, a beautiful 8- to 10-year-old Collie mix, came to us with a sad story. She found herself in Cleveland Animal Control after her owner died and was not discovered for three weeks. Her vet check up was surprisingly good, given all that she has been through. She needs to gain at least 25 pounds, and she is well on the road to that goal now. The first day or two in her foster home, she would not eat, but her appetite is back, and she is eating with enthusiasm. She enjoys the company of cats, but she can be selective about other dogs. She currently shares her home with a laid back, easy-going dog, and they get along fine.
Maisie dotes on attention, absolutely loves her dog bed, and follows her foster caregiver around the house.
Update: Maisie has developed some anxiety , and we have realized that moving her would not be good for her and would only serve to increase her anxiety, so she will be a Forever Foster and enjoy her foster family for life. You can help us meet Maisie's medical costs by sponsoring her or by making a one time donation for her.
Update: Maisie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 9, 2015, when her health worsened and her quality of life deteriorated dramatically. We are grateful that Maisie spent her last months surrounded by love in a Forever Foster home with her canine pal TJ. RIP, Maisie.
Rayna, a blind and partly deaf 10+ year-old Yorkie/Poodle, has arrived at the Sanctuary. She has had a much needed dental; her eye infections have been treated, and she is just waiting for her very own home. Rayna loves to snuggle and will quickly become your best buddy! This picture was taken while she was still at the shelter. Look for updated pictures soon! For more information on Rayna, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Rayna has been adopted by a family who have adopted senior dogs from the Sanctuary before. They were touched by her story and wanted to give her the love and care she deserved.
Update: Rayna came back to the Sanctuary where she will live in her foster home as a Forever Foster when her family experienced some serious health challenges and were no longer able to give Rayna the care she deserves.
Update: Rayna became ill quite suddenly and crossed the Rainbow Bridge in late March in the arms of her foster caregiver. RIP, Rayna. You were a small dog with a big presence, and we are glad to have shared your company for so long.
Captain, a handsome, laid back, friendly, old Spaniel mix, came to us in deplorable shape from the City of Cleveland Kennel. At about 10 years old, Captain had bad teeth and a raging ear infection made worse by a large polyp in one of his ears. He also had some vision issues, including glaucoma in his left eye, and elevated liver enzymes. He responded well to milk thistle and good food, and his liver enzymes went down. He has now been neutered, had a much-needed dental, and had his ear polyp removed. His eye has responded well to medication, so we are checking his pressures regularly and monitoring it. We will not remove his eye unless his pressures spike and cannot be controlled.
Captain is now ready for his very own home. He is an easy-going dog and gets along with other dogs (and cats) as long as the other dogs don't challenge him or disturb his nap. He loves to sleep and go for short walks. He would make an excellent companion to a couple or a person looking for a low energy, devoted best friend.
Update: Captain developed a very serious autoimmune disease and did not respond to treatment. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge in April 2015 surrounded by the love of his foster family and our veterinarian. RIP, Captain. In the words of your foster caregiver, you were a tough old dude. And we all loved you.
Delilah, 10+-year-old Lab/Collie mix, is a good-natured old gal who came to us from animal control. Emaciated and frightened, she has responded to the love and care in her foster home. Delilah has gained over 10 pounds and is on her way to good health. She absolutely LOVES other dogs, small animals (including ferrets), and all people. She is still being treated medically, so look for an update soon.
Update: Delilah just completed her first training class at Fortunate Fido to evaluate her for possible therapy dog work. She did well, and we will continue her training and testing. We have every reason to believe that she will succeed along with FayFay in becoming the Sanctuary's next therapy dog.
Update: Delilah earned her Canine Good Citizen certificate and passed the Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dog test in November 2013. She is now an official therapy dog and has begun her visitation schedule. Thanks to Portraits by Martha for the delightful portrait of Delilah in her bandana.
Update: Our loving therapy dog Delilah crossed the Rainbow Bridge very suddenly on the evening of October 29, 2014. Diagnosed with an intestinal blood clot, Delilah left us in the arms of her foster family. She is missed by the entire Sanctuary family and all of the people she visited regularly spreading her own brand of Delilah joy. You have left a hole in our hearts that no other dog will ever fill. Go in peace, sweet girl.
Violet, a beautiful, friendly, hound mix, came to us from Cleveland Animal Control. When she came in, she was in very bad shape with several badly infected mammary glands. Animal Control immediately sent her off to the vet for surgery and a spay. Violet enjoyed several months of health and happiness before she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer that had metastasized to her lungs. Violet is very friendly with other dogs and is just a joy to be around. She is receiving the best palliative care and will be with us as long as her quality of life is good and she is free of pain and suffering. You can be a part of Violet's ongoing care by sponsoring her or by making a one-time donation in her honor.
Update: Violet enjoyed a good month before she became very ill and her medication stopped working. We helped her cross the Rainbow Bridge on October 29, 2014, surrounded by love and in the arms of her foster caregiver. RIP, Sweet Violet. We miss you.

Francine came to us in October of 2014 from a central Ohio shelter with a huge hernia that she had apparently had since birth. Sadly for Francine (known as Tiny by her former owners), the hernia was allowed to grow over the course of 10 years, becoming more and more dangerous the larger it became. When she came to us, her condition was quite serious. She could not live long with the hernia, which was interfering with her digestion and elimination, but she also had a grade 4 heart murmur, making a complicated surgery like the one she needed more dangerous. We chose to give her a chance with surgery, knowing it was her only chance. Sadly, little Francine's heart was not strong enough to withstand the operation, and we lost her on the table. Our wonderful vet tried to revive her, but it was not to be. Francine was only with us for four days, but we hope she knew how loved she was.
Godspeed, Francine. Your stay with us was short, but we will always remember you. We wanted so much more time for you. Go with love, little girl.
Nessie, a 10 year-old small Shepherd mix, weighs a mere 30 pounds but could stand to gain a few. She came to us from a rural Ohio pound with a nasty case of kennel cough/pneumonia. She has recovered and is in a Sanctuary foster home where she is friendly and relaxed. A victim of obvious neglect, Nessie has low vision and may suffer from past head trauma. She would love to have a home of her own where she will get the unconditional love that she deserves. She has gained weight, health, and confidence. She recently attended a local animal fair and was a real crowd pleaser. The picture on the left was taken in the shelter; the one on the right recently at an adoption event. Nessie has come a long way in a short time.
Update: Nessie has been diagnosed with kidney disease, and, since she takes some time to adjust to new surroundings, she will stay in her foster home where she is loved for life. She is shown at far left in the pound and at far right getting some attention from her foster brother Harry.
Update: Sweet Nessie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on September 2, 2014, when her health began to deteriorate quickly and her quality of life was gone. Rest in Peace, Nessie. You were one-of-a-kind, and we miss you.
Neeko, 15-year-old Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix, is a real sweetheart of a dog who was surrendered to an area shelter because of his owner's failing health. He has mild liver disease, which is asymptomatic and being treated with milk thistle; he also has a touch of arthritis, but that does not keep him from playing with his pack mate in his foster home. Neeko has lots of energy and bonds quickly with people and other dogs. Your support helps with the cost of Neeko's medicine, supplements, and veterinary care.
Update: Neeko has just moved to a new Forever Foster home when his original foster moved out of state and could not take Neeko with her. He adjusted in record time and was last seen with Loki the cat who was busily licking Neeko's ear. He is enjoying several walks a day and all the love he could ever want. Because of Neeko's age and his elevated liver enzymes, he will stay with the Sanctuary for life.
Update: Neeko crossed the rainbow bridge on August 9, 2014, after he developed kidney disease and his health failed suddenly. Godspeed on the rest of your journey, Neeko. Your Sanctuary family misses you.
Blondie, a 10-year-old Lab/Setter mix, came to us from an area shelter when she was not placed up for adoption there. Aside from being an absolutely beautiful dog, she is friendly and loving and full of energy. She gets along well with the other dogs in her foster home although she can be a little rambunctious at times. She came in with elevated liver enzymes that resolved when she was taken off of Rimadyl, but in time, the liver values rose again, and she became very ill. Our veterinarians feel that she has liver cancer, so she entered our hospice program where she receives excellent palliative care and will live out her life surrounded by the love of her Forever Foster family who report that she is once again playing ball and enjoying her life.
Update: Blondie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in July 2014, when her liver failed suddenly. She was surrounded by the love of her foster family who miss her tremendously. RIP, Blondie.
Nolan, a happy-go-lucky fellow with a distinguished gray muzzle, Nolan, at 11 years old, has a smile for everyone he meets. He would love nothing better than to spend his time with you, going for leisurely walks and cuddling on your couch. He loves car rides, running through the snow, and lots if attention, too. His wonderful personality and crooked smile will keep you amused and laughing. Nolan is recovering from the serious neck injury he suffered in June, but he is expected to make a full recovery.
Update: Because of Nolan's even temperament and his past training, he is being evaluated as a Sanctuary therapy dog. He began his formal training in November 2012. Look for news on his progress.
Update: Nolan's therapy dog training did not go as well as we would have liked. He becomes stressed on a leash and in new situations. He was adopted but that did not go well either. He became so stressed that he needed medical attention. So he will remain in his Forever Foster home for life and continue to be the Sanctuary's unofficial spokesdog, entertaining us with his antics and wonderful photos. Thanks to Portraits by Martha for Nolan's baseball cap photo.
Update: Nolan became critically ill on July 5, 2014, and was rushed to the emergency room where he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to end his suffering. Nolan had cancer that had affected his throat and his ability to breathe. RIP, Nolan. You were one of a kind, and we all miss you.
DixieGirl, a 10-year-old Dachshund, was found by animal control along with her friend Rocky (below). DixieGirl is friendly to most other dogs, but every now and then she meets a dog she just does not like. She clearly loves Rocky and could probably learn to get along with most friendly dogs after a careful and controlled introduction. DixieGirl is full of life and energy and would love to come live with you! For more information about DixieGirl, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: DixieGirl has been diagnosed with a serious heart condition and will not be placed for adoption. She will stay in a Sanctuary Forever Foster home for life.
Update: In spite of increasing dosages of her heart medications, sweet DixieGirl went downhill rapidly and made that journey to the Rainbow Bridge on June 18, 2014, in the arms of her foster caregiver. Rest in Peace, DixieGirl. Your stay with us was much too short.
Sweet Isadora came to us from a rural Ohio pound on a Wednesday and was gone to the Bridge on Thursday morning, not even 24 hours later, when our vet discovered that she was literally filled with cancer. Recognizing that there was no way to relieve Isadora's suffering, we made the decision to let her go in peace and love. She was a beautiful spirit, and we were honored to know her even for such a short time. Your journey with us was much too short, Isadora, but we gave you all the love that our hearts could hold. Godspeed.
Princess Bean came to us almost two years ago. She was never healthy enough for adoption, and we feared she would not have long to live. But she had a surprise in store for us all. She enjoyed her life with her foster family and the other dogs in the home for much, much longer than anyone would have guessed. She battled back problems, digestive issues, and very bad knees. But she hopped happily through her life, living completely in the moment, and expressing her opinions every chance she got. She is shown here enjoying one of her many trips to the Cleveland Metroparks. Godspeed, little Bean. You have left a hole in the hearts of everyone lucky enough to have known and loved you.
Clyde, a 13-year-old Lab mix, was found wandering the streets of Cleveland several years ago. Even though Clyde was pitifully thin and completely blind, he was confident, loving, and full of good humor from the first day we met him. Letting his nose be his guide, he is always ready to snatch an unattended piece of cheese or bread from a table or counter, and he is always ready for a walk or an adventure. He is friendly with most people, but he can be frightened and a bit defensive if people do not make their presence known to him before trying to interact with him. He bonds quickly and permanently, having made many new friends in his time with the Sanctuary. Because he reacted poorly in two adoptive homes, Clyde returned to his foster home where he feels secure and where he will stay, enjoying the company of his foster family and their dogs for life. Clyde has recently developed dementia which is being treated with medication. Your support helps to provide ongoing medical care for Clyde.
Update: Clyde crossed the Rainbow Bridge in February 2014 after a brief but serious illness. He was still playing with the other dogs in his Forever Foster home until the day before he left for the Bridge. Clyde is missed terribly by his foster family and the entire Sanctuary family. Clyde had been with us since 2006 after two unsuccessful adoption attempts. He knew where he wanted to be. Godspeed, Clyde.
Jewel, an 13-year-old long-haired Chihuahua, came to the Sanctuary when she was unclaimed in animal control, apparently frightened by July 4th neighborhood fireworks. She is a timid dog and shows evidence of fear, but she does warm up to people if she is approached gently and with love. Jewel would clearly prefer to be the only dog, and she will repay your love and care tenfold. Because she has been through so much and because she is still very afraid of new people and new situations, Jewel will remain in her foster home for life.
Update: Jewel crossed the Rainbow Bridge in January of 2014 after her health continued to deteriorate despite our best efforts. When she was suffering and could not longer enjoy her life, her Forever Foster caregiver together with our veterinarian made the compassionate decision to end her suffering. Run free, Jewel. Your fears and your illness are gone. Rest in Peace. We sure do miss you here.
Giuseppe, fondly called Grandpa Joe at the City of Cleveland Kennel, quickly became a favorite of the volunteers there. Covered in painful mats and pitifully thin, Giuseppe seemed to have given up on life. With the support of Friends of the City of Cleveland Kennel, Giuseppe was offered boarding until the Sanctuary could open up space in a foster home. The Sanctuary made sure that his medical needs were met so that he could get a head start on his road to recovering his health and his comfort. A 10-12 year-old Shepherd mix, he is an easy dog who loves attention and playing with other gentle, friendly dogs. Giuseppe is slowly gaining weight and confidence and would love to spend his golden years in a home where he will know unconditional love for the rest of his days.
Update: Giuseppe has become a Forever Foster. He will live out his life in his loving foster home. As his back legs worsened and his health declined, we decided that making Giuseppe adjust to a new home at this stage in his life would not be fair. to him He needs regular care for his health needs and a special diet to control his allergies and skin problems. Giuseppe will continue to have everything he needs, including a whole lot of love!
Update: Giuseppe became very ill very suddenly on January 17 and was rushed to the emergency clinic where tests results indicated a likely brain lesion. His condition deteriorated rapidly, so he was helped across the Bridge in the arms of his loving foster caregiver. RIP. Grandpa Joe. And thank you for sharing the last year of your life with us.
Hattie's journey to the Sanctuary has not been an easy one. At least 10 years old, she came to us emaciated, heartworm positive, with fly-bitten ears suggesting that she had been kept outside, and a mammary tumor. When first asked about Hattie, we did not have room for her, but thanks to Friends of the City of Cleveland Kennel, she went into boarding until we could free up a spot for her. She has been groomed and will be treated for heartworm and then spayed when she has gained enough weight to be successfully treated. She is slowly learning what it means to be an indoor dog and receive regular meals, good care, and lots of love. Hattie is a sweet-natured dog that loves cats and gets along with other dogs as long as they don't mind her enthusiastic attention. If you would like to contribute to Hattie's extensive medical needs or apply to adopt her when she is ready to go, please contact the Sanctuary. Hattie will repay you with endless gratitude and love.
Update: Hattie is now part of our Forever Foster program after being diagnosed with an aggressive mast cell tumor. We were unable to complete her heartworm treatment or safely spay her since she developed recurring vestibular problems, but she will be safe and loved for the rest of her life in a Sanctuary foster home.
Update: Hattie developed pyometra in September of 2013 and, because of her other health problems, an emergency spay was not possible. RIP, Hattie. We wish you could have enjoyed your new life for much, much longer. Run free, sweet girl.
Gili, an 8- to 9-year-old mixed breed, was found by animal control sleeping in an alley in Ohio City, a Cleveland neighborhood near downtown. Matted, filthy, and bone thin, Gili is slowly remembering how to be a dog as she relaxes in her foster home. She is being evaluated for a possible kidney issue and will be available for adoption when her health can be determined with a little more certainty. She is friendly with everyone she meets and seems to enjoy the company of other dogs as well. For more information on Gili, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Gili was diagnosed with pneumonia shortly after she came to us; she has recovered from that completely, but she has recently been diagnosed with a small mass in her chest that is not operable. She is being made comfortable through medication, and she will remain in her foster home for the rest of her life. She is surrounded by love, gets very short daily walks, and has her own special place on the couch . . . and the chair . . . and all the fluffy dog beds!
Over the months that Gili has been with us, her tumor has become smaller and smaller. She does show some evidence of kidney disease, but she is happy and well-loved in her Forever Foster home.
Update: Gili crossed the Bridge quite suddenly in July of 2013 when a cardiac hemangiosarcoma ruptured. No one knew she had this tumor, so her passing was a shock to everyone. She did not suffer, but her foster family and the entire Sanctuary family mourn her passing. RIP, Gili.
Ella, an 8-year-old Shar Pei mix is loving and friendly, but quite shy. Once she knows you, she is your best friend. Ella needs stability and love in a home that will go slowly with her and show her unconditional love. She will repay your kindness with her unconditional devotion. For more information on Ella, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Ella struggled with a serious inner ear infection for the last couple of moths. various treatments proved unsuccessful, and Ella withdrew more and more, seeking the safety and comfort of her crate most of the day. On July 11, 2013, her foster caregiver in consultation with our veterinarian made the difficult decision to release Ella from her suffering and let he cross the Rainbow bridge to find peace. we miss you, Ella. even though you were never adopted, you found love security and care in your foster home. Godspeed on the rest of your journey.
Kitty, a gentle 10-year-old Pug who is recovering from multiple vestibular incidents, has arrived at the Sanctuary. She is an absolute sweetheart and is ready to move right into your home. She has a lingering head tilt from her vestibular problems, but that does not stop her. She recently had a much-needed dental and a soft mass removed. She is recovering and looking for her new home where she can understand unconditional love.
Update: Kitty never recovered from her vestibular incidents and she crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June 2013 in order to end her suffering. Godspeed, Kitty. You have left a large empty space in the hearts of your Sanctuary family.
Rolo, an 11 y/o Miniature Pinscher, is a happy fellow now that he has found safety in a Sanctuary foster home. Found as a stray by animal control,. Rolo was frightened and alone. He is loving and well-adjusted. He has developed a heart murmur, and he occasionally experiences some back problems that respond to medication. Rolo's heart disease has progressed, so he will remain in his Sanctuary foster home for life. Your support helps us with his ongoing medication and veterinary care. To sponsor Rolo, please contact the Sanctuary, or click on the PayPal links on this page.
Update: Rolo has moved to a new Forever Foster home, sharing his life happily with several ferrets! He has advanced heart disease but still enjoys his life, surrounded by love and excellent care.
Rolo has crossed the Rainbow Bridge in May after a lengthy battle with kidney disease. He is greatly missed by his foster family and the entire Sanctuary family. RIP, Rolo.
Polly, a beautiful, loving, gentle mixed breed dog (possibly some Cocker Spaniel and some Lab) of 10-12 years old, came to Cleveland Animal Control covered in mats and feces and filth (photo at right) when she was discovered chained in a basement when her owner died. Through her ordeal, she remained loving and kind and trusting. She offers kisses to everyone she meets and enjoys the company of the friendly dogs in her foster home. After being groomed and having her medical needs met, Polly is looking for love in all the right places. Could one of those places be your loving home? Currently being treated for a possibly long-standing urinary tract infection, Polly has limited hearing, but she is responding to the hand signals her foster caregiver is teaching her. She needs the security of unconditional love for the rest of her life. Will you make sure that Polly has a happy ending? To learn more about adopting Polly, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Polly is in a foster-to-adopt home. She is being treated for an aggressive form of IBD and will be adopted by her foster caregiver as soon as she is healthy enough.
Just as Polly was beginning to turn the corner and gain some weight, we lost her in March 2013 to a sudden and aggressive for of cancer in her soft palate. Sadly, there was no treatment. Removing it would have made it impossible for her to eat, and leaving it would have made it impossible for her to breathe, so Polly has crossed the Rainbow Bridge after knowing unconditional love and care for three months. Godspeed, Polly. We so wish you could have stayed longer.
Dina, a 13-year-old Chihuahua, was one frightened little girl when she came to the Sanctuary. We suspect that poor little Dina, who weighs only 4 pounds, was badly abused; she is hand shy and very defensive until she gets to know you and until you gain her trust. A vet exam also revealed a broken jaw that was never treated. Dina had a long-standing skin infection, which left her with a bald tail and thinning coat. The infection, however, has responded well to baths, treatment, and regular care. Because Dina has lasting emotional scars from her years of abuse and reacts to new situations with fear and aggression, she will remain in her foster home, where she feels secure, for life.
Update: Dina has been with the Sanctuary for over 5 years now. She has adjusted to life in her foster home, but she still shows her great displeasure around strangers. Dina is being treated for a heart condition and severe food allergies. Your support helps with her daily medication, her special food, and her frequent veterinarian visits.
Dina crossed the Rainbow Bridge in February 2013 after her health and her quality of life continued to deteriorate. She was a large presence in a tiny body, and she is greatly missed by her foster family and the entire Sanctuary family.
Dolly, a 10-year-old mixed breed, came to us with Happi and Cali, rescued from One More Chance Sanctuary in Springfield, Ohio, in late February by the Clark County Humane Society and the ASPCA. Dolly, like the others, was one of 361 dogs living in deplorable conditions at the hands of a "rescue" gone horribly wrong. After spending a month in the excellent care of the Clark County Humane Society, Dolly came to the Sanctuary to find a permanent home that will offer her unconditional love and care and show her what it is like to be part of the family. Weighing just under 30 pounds and healthy, she is missing half of her right ear from her experiences at One More Chance. But her living conditions seem not to have had the impact on her that they did on some of the others. The picture on the left was taken as she was being transported to Cleveland from Clark County Humane. The one on the right was taken at the Sanctuary's April Adoption Sunday where she was very friendly and curious. We have realized that Dolly is deaf and has severe arthritis in her spine. But she is happy and well-loved in her foster home where she will stay for life.
Dolly crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join her friends on December 24, 2012, when her quality of life had deteriorated. She suffered from dementia and severe spinal arthritis. Godspeed, Dolly. You are now with your friends Cali Rose and Happi, who came to the Sanctuary from One More Chance with you.
Alice, a kind and gentle 10+ year-old Belgian Tervuren (possibly a mix), came to us covered in mats and dirt, smelling about as bad as a dog could possible smell. After a shave down and a bath, she looks a little like a lion with a gorgeous mane of beautiful fur on her head but nowhere else. Alice is thin but otherwise healthy. She has had geriatric bloodwork and a complete physical. A little bit shy but very curious, Alice is a loving dog and would love to be the center of attention in your home. She gets along well with friendly dogs and cats. The picture on the right shows her recent puppy cut.
Alice is now part of our hospice program after being diagnosed with a tumor in her spleen. The tumor has been removed, but she has digestive issues that will need lifelong management. She enjoys several long walks a day and all the love she could ever want in her Forever Foster home.
On December 10, 2012, Alice crossed the rainbow Bridge, seven months after her diagnosis of a tumor of the spleen. We are grateful for every day we had with her. Alice was a true character: curious, comical, and incredibly loyal. Godspeed, Alice.
Fiona, a beautiful, comical 7-year-old mixed breed, came to the Sanctuary from an area dog warden where she had been for over two months. Even though they took excellent care of her, she is enjoying life in her foster home. Energetic, playful, and full of life, Fiona loves toys, treats, the company of people and friendly dogs, and car rides.
Update: Fiona has been recently diagnosed with an aggressive malignant melanoma on her tongue that would require the removal of her tongue. Because of the aggressive nature of the tumor, Fiona will live out her life in our hospice program, receiving lots of love and the best palliative care.
Fiona took a sudden turn for the worse. According to our vet, her cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, and her quality of life deteriorated overnight. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 8, 2012. Godspeed, Fiona. We miss you.

Katie, an 18-year-old Pug mix, came to the Sanctuary frightened and ill over 4 years ago. Struggling with anemia, inflammatory bowel, arthritis, and an infected tooth, Katie kept her spirits up and relaxed in her foster home even while she was ill and must have been very uncomfortable. Since she has been with us, she has had exploratory surgery to rule out cancer and had her infected tooth and the tumor that surrounded it removed. She has also been spayed. Katie is now healthier, but her inflammatory bowel and her spinal arthritis require careful monitoring and lifelong medication. She enjoys a quiet foster home with lots of cuddle time, short walks, and frequent trips outside to relieve herself. Your support provides for Katie's ongoing medication, her high quality diet, and frequent medical check ups.
Katie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 3, 2012, when her spinal arthritis became so bad that she could no longer walk or function. She stopped eating and let us know that it was her time to continue on her journey. She is greatly missed by her foster caregiver and the entire Sanctuary family. Godspeed, little Katie.
Mr. Andy, a 10-year-old Chow mix, was abandoned on the streets of Cleveland and found himself in the local pound. With some help from Friend of the City of Cleveland Kennel, Mr. Andy came to the Sanctuary where he settled into his new life surrounded by love and Pugs! He can be a little grumpy with other dogs, but he adjusts and is not aggressive with them. His love of cats, however, seems to have crossed the line to obsession, so a home without cats would be best unless he is closely monitored. Very affectionate with the people in his life, Andy would love a quiet adult home to while away the hours in warmth and security.
Update: Mr. Andy spent some time in a local boarding kennel after he became unpredictable with the resident cat. He has now moved into a Sanctuary Forever Foster home without cats or other dogs. He will be the center of attention in his foster home where he will live out the rest of his life without having to endure the additional stress of moving to another new home.
Mr. Andy crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 22. 2012, after a brief battle with a bleeding ulcer and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. He is missed by the entire Sanctuary family. Godspeed, Mr. Andy. We wish you could have stayed so much longer.
Cali, an 11-year-old Yellow Lab, came to us with Happi (adopted) and Dolly, rescued from One More Chance Sanctuary in Springfield, Ohio, in late February by the Clark County Humane Society and the ASPCA. Cali, like the others, was one of 361 dogs living in deplorable conditions at the hands of a "rescue" gone horribly wrong. After spending a month in the excellent care of the Clark County Humane Society, Cali came to the Sanctuary to find a permanent home that will offer her unconditional love and care and show her what it is like to be part of the family. Cali, however, is much more emotionally fragile than either Happi or Dolly. The years of living in isolation in a hog barn have left her withdrawn and sad. She responds to gentle touch and affection, but she is still slow to go outside or to move around much on her own. Cali is currently in a Sanctuary foster home, learning to trust. She is regaining her health after an intestinal blockage caused by material she apparently ate some time ago. She was also recently spayed and is ready for a quiet, loving, patient home. If you are interested in adopting Cali, please contact the Sanctuary. The rewards of loving a dog who has been through what Cali has are great indeed. She will give back tenfold.
Update: Cali has become a permanent Sanctuary resident. She will stay in her Forever Foster home, the only real home she has ever known, for life. Her adjustment to life in a home was difficult and continues to this day. It would not be fair to Cali to ask her to start over again after all that she has been through, Your support will help with Cali's medical needs, which include daily medication, supplements, and acupuncture for advanced spinal arthritis.
Cali Rose crossed the Rainbow Bridge to continue her journey on October 15, 2012, after her spinal arthritis became so bad that she was partially paralyzed. Godspeed, Cali Rose. You live on in the hearts of everyone who loved you.
Mackey, a 13-year-old mostly Black Lab, came to us in 2008 from a very overcrowded rural shelter where he was surrendered by a family who could no longer care for him. Mackey is healthy and happy with a very good appetite. In the middle picture, his eyes were on a plate of chicken our vet had just cooked for him. With lots of energy, Mackey is very playful and attentive. He seems to have been well-trained at one point and responds to basic commands. Friendly with people and female dogs, Mackey loves to be the center of attention and would do best in an active, adult household with lots of daily exercise and play. Mackey has some behavioral issues that stem from his past, however, that have made him unlikely to place, so after more than two years in his foster home, Mackey will remain there for life.
Mackey crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 25. He was not ill; his heart apparently just gave out. Godspeed Mackey. You were well loved while you were with us.
Kailee (formerly known as Hope at the City of Cleveland Kennel) is a 7-8-year-old, sweet-natured, easy-going dog who was apparently the victim of extreme neglect for quite some time. Emaciated, with a matted coat and large tumor hanging from her back leg, sweet Kailee was desperate for love and care. She has now moved to a Sanctuary foster home where she is enjoying four meals a day and all the love she could ask for. Sadly, Kailee is heartworm positive and will need to be treated and have her tumor removed before she is ready for her new home. Even with all she has been through, Kailee is friendly and affectionate. Although she has apparently lived her life as an outside dog, she immediately took to housetraining without any prompting.
Sadly, Kailee developed a tumor on her spleen that needed to be removed without delay. But it proved to be too much for her frail body, and she crossed the bridge in her sleep two days after her surgery. She enjoyed the comfort and love of her foster family for just three short weeks, but she had the best end of life a dog could ask for. Godspeed, Kailee.

Coconut, a tiny long-haired Chihuahua weighing just over 2 pounds, came to the Sanctuary from a rural shelter where he was turned in by a family who no longer wanted him. Since he was very emaciated, we feared the worst, but his medical check up was good; his blood work was all normal. But poor little Coconut has only one tooth, and his lower jaw bone is missing. He eats well, however, as long as his food is made into a slurry. We are hoping that he will gain some weight and find that perfect home where he will have unconditional love and care for the rest of his life. If you would like more information on Coconut, please contact the Sanctuary. You can meet Coconut and all of his friends at Adoption Sunday the last Sunday of the month.
Update: Coconut was recently diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. He has been moved to our hospice program where he will live with his loving foster caregiver and receive palliative care for his remaining time. Sweet little Coconut crossed the Bridge to join his friends on June 28 after his health rapidly declined. He is missed by his foster caregiver and the entire Sanctuary family.
Cassie, a 14-year-old Treeing Walker Coonhound, was subjected to starvation and severe abuse before coming to the Sanctuary in 2002. She was quickly adopted by a loving woman who made it her mission to care for dogs no one else wanted. Sadly, the first adopter's situation changed over the years, and she was no longer able to care for Cassie adequately, so in 2010 she came back to the Sanctuary where she has found a wonderful foster family who loves her unconditionally. She shares her new home with another dog named Zoey whom Cassie has won over with her charming ways. Because Cassie is deaf and suffers some health problems associated with her advanced age, she will stay in her Sanctuary foster home for life. She recently had a large benign tumor successfully removed from her side. Your sponsorship of Cassie helps to cover her ongoing medical care.
Update: Cassie has recently been diagnosed with a large liver tumor. She is comfortable and happy and receiving palliative care. Cassie will remain as a part of our hospice program. Our sweet Cassie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 7, 2012. RIP, Cassie. Your gentle nature and sweet smile are missed by everyone who knew you.

Rascal, an 18-year-old miniature Poodle, found himself alone in a rural Ohio shelter when his special person died and the family would not keep him. He is a friendly but needy fellow who enjoys the company of other small dogs. He loves to wander around a secure yard in the sunshine and then come in the house for a bite to eat and a nice nap. He also likes to roll in the mud and stick his head in mud puddles. Just the thing for a white dog to love! Rascal is a bit hard of hearing and has now lost most of his vision. His teeth were cleaned and several very bad ones were pulled. He has Cushing's Disease and dementia, but he enjoys meal time and jaunts in the yard, especially when there is a mud puddle close by! Your sponsorship helps the Sanctuary with Rascal's medication and frequent vet visits.
Update: Our little Rascal crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 28, 2012, at approximately 18 years old, after his health continued to decline. He was a big presence in a little body, and he is greatly missed by his foster family and the entire Sanctuary community. Godspeed on the rest of your journey, Rascal.
Francesca, a 13-year-old Chihuahua, serves the Sanctuary as its resident therapy dog, visiting local assisted living facilities, schools, and churches. Francesca is particularly well-suited to therapy work as she loves everyone she meets and brings her own particular brand of happiness to those she visits. With a personality as big as her ears, she wins easily makes people forget their troubles even if only for a short while. Part of Francesca's care is generously provided by a grant from the Grey Muzzle Organization. If you would like to contribute to Francesca's care or donate to our Georgia memorial Therapy Dog fund, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: The Sanctuary mourns the loss of Francesca in February 2012 from acute kidney failure. She faithfully served the Cleveland community and The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs as a therapy dog for the past two years, bringing joy and happiness to countless people. Godspeed, Francesca. There are many, many here who miss you.
Cheyenne "Baby" Cloud, a 10+ year-old Husky, had always been an outdoor dog. She was abandoned by her family when she developed a nasty mammary tumor that had apparently festered for quite some time. Cheyenne appears to be healthy with the exception of her tumor, which was successfully removed and has been sent out for biopsy. She is adjusting quickly to life as an indoor dog, and she will be ready for her own loving home as soon as she is spayed. Cheyenne "Baby" Cloud is friendly and easy-going with a spirited personality.
Update: Cheyenne's tumor proved to be malignant and moderately aggressive. We are sad to report that she is not doing as well as we would like. Cheyenne "Baby" Cloud will stay in her loving foster home for life and will be transferred to our Sponsorship page shortly.
Update: Sadly, Cheyenne Baby Cloud crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 8, 2011, due to complications from an untreatable infection. She deserved so much more time. Godspeed, Baby Cloud. Your foster family misses you.
Joey, 7-8 y/o Toy Fox Terrier/Chihuahua, is an 11 pound little sweetheart. He is affectionate and friendly once he knows you. Joey is neutered and healthy with the exception of a heart murmur that does not seem to affect him currently. He loves to walk and to sit on a warm lap. He will make a fine friend to the family lucky enough to adopt him. If you would like to invite Joey into your loving home, please contact the Sanctuary.
Joey crossed the Rainbow Bridge on the morning of October 31, 2011, during a routine vet visit. Apparently his heart simply gave out on him. He enjoyed his stay in his Sanctuary foster home and will be greatly missed. A big personality in a small dog! Godspeed, Joey.
JP Monk, a 14-year-old Poodle mix, is a tiny slip of a lad. Weighing under 10 pounds, he was matted, filthy, and frightened when he was picked up by animal control on the streets of Cleveland. He is loving and very needy, always looking for a lap to share. An unusual shade of beautiful gray, poor Monk is missing half of one ear in what is apparently an old injury, but that doesn't stop him for a minute. Full of energy with personality plus, he is hypothyroid and has seizures; both conditions are treated with daily medication. But because he has some serious emotional issues stemming from past abuse, he will stay in his foster home for life.
A long time Sanctuary resident, little Monk crossed the Rainbow Bridge in August 2011 after battling a seizure disorder for quite some time. He is greatly missed by his foster family, his packmate Frankie, and the entire Sanctuary family. RIP, JP Monk.
Chester, 8- to 9-year-old Chocolate Lab/possible Chessie mix, came to the Sanctuary from animal control where he was taken from the streets of Cleveland. He was very thin and depressed, but after a short time in his foster home, he began to gain weight and his true Lab personality came shining through. Chester is a sweetheart, a happy-go-lucky fellow with personality to spare. His arthritis, which is being treated currently with medication, does not stop him from running and playing although he has a tendency to overdo it and requires some monitoring. Because of Chester's health needs and his arthritis, he will remain in his foster home for life, enjoying unconditional love and excellent care. Update: Chester has crossed the Rainbow Bridge after his arthritis became so bad that it could no longer be controlled. RIP, Chester. We miss your big personality.
Oscar, a handsome 10-year-old Poodle, was matted, filthy, thin, and frightened when he landed in an area animal control facility after being picked up as a stray. He is a tiny slip of a fellow at barely 7 pounds. In spite of the serious neglect he must have endured, Oscar is healthy except for a touch of arthritis, and his spirits are good. He loves to cuddle with his people, give kisses, and go for walks in the neighborhood. Since coming to the Sanctuary, Oscar has been neutered and had a dental.
Update: Oscar was adopted by a wonderful woman who had to surrender him because of her own serious illness. So Oscar is once again looking for his very own home. Oscar has suffered some emotional distress and will do best in an adult home with people sensitive to his special needs. He is a sweet dog once he trusts you, but he is not especially comfortable around other animals. Oscar has developed kidney disease and heart disease, so he will stay with his foster family for life. If you can sponsor Oscar, please contact the Sanctuary.
Oscar passed away peacefully in his sleep on February 19, 2011. His big personality has left an empty space in the hearts of everyone who knew this fearless little fellow.
GingerSnap: beautiful 8-10-year-old Collie mix. Shy but loving. Loves to walk and ride in the car. Neglected and needs to know unconditional love. GingerSnap came to us from an overcrowded Ohio shelter where she contracted parainfluenza, a dangerous virus, especially dangerous for older dogs like GingerSnap. She struggled for over three weeks, two of them spent at Gateway Animal Clinic on IV's. But GingerSnap is a tough survivor. She seemed to understand that her life was about to get better, so she fought to stay and enjoy it. Her foster caretaker reports that she enjoys just resting in the garden sniffing the various flowers.
GingerSnap crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 1, 2010, after struggling with degenerative spinal myelopathy. She leaves her foster caregiver to mourn the passing of a loving dog and a great friend.
MacGregor, a 14-year-old Border Collie mix, came to the Sanctuary in the summer of 2005, picked up as a stray by animal control. He is a beautiful, friendly, intelligent dog who was overlooked for adoption initially because he is an older black dog, traditionally hard to place. MacGregor had been a candidate for our therapy dog program because of his sweet-natured temperament and his love of people, but he is now a permanent Sanctuary resident because his arthritis has worsened significantly, making him a little grumpy with people he does not know. His foster caregivers, who call him Big Boy, take excellent care of him, making sure that he is healthy and loved. When MacGregor is not curled up in front of the TV, he loves to spend time enjoying his yard, making snow angels in the winter and just enjoying life the rest of the year.
MacGregor crossed the Rainbow Bridge suddenly in October after collapsing and being diagnosed with hemolytic anemia. We called him the Weekender because he came to his foster family for the weekend on the 4th of July in 2005. It was, perhaps, the longest weekend in history.
Martini, a 10-year-old Husky, was found by animal control wandering the cold streets of Cleveland. She had apparently been hit by a car some time ago, which left a scar on her face and a tilt to her head. Although she is hard of hearing with a touch of arthritis in her hips, she a faithful, loving dog in need of a faithful, loving family, one that will show her the meaning of unconditional love and provide her with a home for the rest of her life. In return, Martini will become your best friend. She had a malignant tumor removed from her thyroid gland in February. Her prognosis is guarded, ranging from several months to several years, since we do not know definitively whether the cancer has spread to her lymph system or not. She loves to play with other dogs and is friendly to every one she meets.
Martini crossed the Rainbow Bridge in October 2010 after battling cancer and other illnesses for over a year. She is missed by everyone who know here irrepressible spirit.
Herbie, 9-10 y/o Yellow Lab mix. is very sweet and affectionate, an easy dog, but a little camera shy. Herbie came to us with a horrible infection of the prostate. As soon as the infection had responded to antibiotics, he was neutered, and his condition improved dramatically. Since then, his health is improving every day. The life he endured before he came to us is only too evident from the scars on his face, but he is a sweet, sad, old Yellow Lab mix who enjoys walks, petting, and cuddling. He rides quietly in the car, nuzzling your hand every now and then to encourage a pet on the head. Herbie needs to know unconditional love so that his eyes can light up with joy and happiness.
Herbie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in September 2010 after an extended illness. His family, and especially his canine pal Bear, miss him greatly. After a lifetime of abuse and neglect, Herbie understood the joys of unconditional love while he was in his foster home.
Baker, Chocolate Lab, 9-10 y/o distinguished gentleman, handsome with a gray muzzle. Neutered and exceptionally friendly. Lots of Labbie personality, loves to play and walk. He would love to be your new best friend. Baker is house trained and knows several basic commands. He is a sweet-natured dog who would be a good candidate for the therapy dog program.
Baker crossed the Rainbow Bridge in September 2010 from cancer of the spleen. He enjoyed the best time of his life with his loving foster family who miss him every day.
 TUCKER, our distinguished artist, crossed the Rainbow Bridge recently. Please look for his memorial page on the Pee-ces of Art web site soon. His artist's reception was March 7, 2010. We miss you, Tucker. You showed the world what an old dog can do.
March 7, 2010, from 12-6 PM
Bela Dubby Art Gallery & Beer Cafe, 13321 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, OH
Don't miss this unusual event. A collection of rare "pee-ces of art" by Tucker, an elderly German Shepherd rescued in February 2008 by the Sanctuary from a life of misery on a chain. The permanent foster dog of Jim Lasher and Kara Vlach-Lasher, Tucker has found the love and security he lacked in his former life. Shortly after coming to the Sanctuary, Tucker was diagnosed with spinal myelopathy, a degenerative disease that does not allow him to lift his leg. Not one to be burdened by adversity, Tucker found expression and creativity in his disability.
"NumberOneSon," pictured on the right, shows the artist reflecting on his creation. Tucker's works are rich and varied: autumn leaves, snow, slate, and concrete provide his canvas. If you love dogs and art, you don't want to miss this event.
Tucker's creations have been featured in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the New York Post, the Puerto Rico Daily Sun, and Tampa Bay News Talk! Purchase Your Tickets Early - Limited Availability; Tickets: $30 each / two for $50 in advance of show. Enjoy gourmet hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar of beer, wine and coffee delights. Gallery show runs March 1 - March 31, 2010 at Bela Dubby Art Gallery. Proceeds benefit The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs and the Cleveland Animal Protective League.

Mandy, 10-year-old Beagle, is very sweet, friendly, and energetic. She loves to go for walks, and she loves people and other dogs. She is quiet and well-behaved and will make a wonderful companion for the right person. If you are looking for a best friend, look no farther. Mandy is healthy with the exception of her protein levels, which are slowly improving. She will be spayed as soon as the levels resolve. If you are interested in Mandy, either as a foster or as a permanent addition to your household, please contact the Sanctuary.
Update: Mandy has been diagnosed with a serious kidney disease, so she will remain in her foster home for life. You can sponsor Mandy and help with her ongoing medical care.
Mandy crossed the Bridge in July 2010 after her kidney disease worsened suddenly. She is missed by her hospice foster family.
September, an 8-10 year-old terrier mix, came to us recently in a state of terrible neglect and health. She has had several tumors removed and is currently recovering from a serious bout of kennel cough. Happily, however, we just learned that her biopsy was benign and that she will make a full recovery. She is a sweet old soul looking for love and companionship. September has a sense of humor and is described by her temporary foster care giver as a "real character." We are looking for an immediate foster home or permanent home for September. She spent over a week at Gateway Animal Clinic on IV's and is now beginning to mend. She is curious and playful, and she enjoys being part of a loving household. September is spayed, heartworm negative, and current on vaccinations.
September crossed the bridge after a brief battle with multiple health problems. She is missed by her foster caregivers and by everyone who knew her.
Cato, a sweet, loveable 9-year-old Rottweiler, was surrendered to a rural shelter in NE Ohio. When he came to the Sanctuary, he was painfully thin, near starvation. Cato's physical and blood work revealed a healthy dog with a touch of arthritis in his hips who simply needed to gain weight. He is friendly and affectionate, knows his basic commands, and happily gives his paw when asked. In his six months with the Sanctuary, he has gained over 30 pounds and is sleek and happy. Because of Cato's perfect temperament, he has become the Sanctuary's newest therapy dog, passing his Delta Society therapy dog test with his Handler Jolene on July 18, 2009. Congratulations to Jolene and Cato!
Cato developed heart disease and crossed the Bridge just as his work as a therapy dog was getting started. Rest in peace, Cato. Many people love you and miss you.
Vinnie, Sanctuary Visiting Dog in training, is an energetic, loving little fellow who came to the Sanctuary in 2006 in a state of serious neglect, matted and dirty with very bad teeth and in need of neutering. Just two short months later, he had been successfully neutered and had his teeth cleaned; he was on the road to becoming a happy and well-adjusted dog. Friendly to the other dogs in his foster home, Vinnie loves to explore the fenced back yard; he also loves to run as fast as he can and jump into the nearest lap for some old-fashioned cuddling. No one agrees on his breed mix; Doxie, Poodle, Cocker, Terrier have all been suggested; most recently a local Dachshund rescue group suggested with some certainty that he is a Dachshund/Poodle mix. At approximately 12 years old and weighing about 16 pounds, Vinnie is healthy with the exception of a heart murmur that does not currently require treatment, nor does it interfere with his daily activities. He has been with the Sanctuary for well over a year because he is not reliably house trained, so the Sanctuary decided to share his winning personality with others as our new spokesdog and visiting dog. Vinnie is preparing for the Delta Society test, but in the meantime, he visits A New Day Adult Care Center as a visiting dog in training, covered under the Sanctuary's existing insurance. Drop by on most Saturday afternoons to meet Vinnie and get a dose of old-fashioned cuddling as only Vinnie knows best.
Update: Vinnie has developed mild kidney disease and asthma, but his heart condition, after worsening earlier this year, seems to be holding steady. He still visits the Adoption & Education Center on Saturdays and A New Day Adult Care Center although not as frequently. He is being treated with various medications and therapies. His kidney disease has responded to diet. And we are hopeful that he will continue to enjoy his time with us. Sadly, Vinnie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 13, 2009, leaving a hole in the heart of everyone who loved this little ambassador of good will. Rest in Peace, Vinnie. You touched many lives and brought joy to many.

Thelma, a 10+-year-old Black Lab mix, was a favorite of shelter staff in a rural Ohio facility, but she had been there too long, and they desperately needed the space for other dogs. Thelma arrived at the Sanctuary heartworm positive and arthritic, but happy and very people friendly. She also has scar tissue in her right eye, apparently from an old injury; her vision in this eye is limited. She has been treated for heartworm and will be spayed in mid July. In the meantime, she needs a special foster home without too many stairs and without small animals since she was not too fond of the small dogs in her first foster home. She will be boarded until a foster without small animals can take her in. Please help Thelma; she is loving and sweet, but very slow because of arthritis in her hips. She would love to curl up with you and spend leisurely evenings just basking in your love.
Thelma crossed the bridge from hemolytic anemia after a short time in a loving foster home where she enjoyed rolling in the tall grass and pretending to chase the deer in the backyard.

DaVinci, an 8-year-old Schnauzer mix, was found on the streets of Cleveland looking like the picture on the right, in a state of severe neglect, covered with ticks and filth and incredibly matted fur. After a shave down, a bath, and some much needed medical care and TLC, the handsome dog pictured on the left emerged. Throughout his ordeal at animal control and at the veterinary clinic, DaVinci was friendly and tolerant. He enjoys the company of other friendly dogs, coming to life when he sees them. He also enjoys playful interaction with people as well, prancing and strutting when he is happy. His foster care giver reports that he is an easy dog and will make a fine companion to the people lucky enough to adopt him and welcome him into their home. If you would like to show DaVinci what it means to be loved unconditionally, please contact the Sanctuary. He will repay you tenfold.
Sadly, DaVinci, who was renamed Riley, developed cancer and crossed the bridge in September 2009 after a short time in a loving foster home. We wish you could have stayed longer, Riley.
Scooby, a 15-year-old Chihuahua/Terrier mix, was picked up as a stray on the streets of Cleveland. He must have had a difficult life because he has scars on his face that look as if they may have been caused by cigarette burns or some other trauma, but he is a tough little survivor who loves to run and play with the big dogs at the dog park. Other dogs are his buddies, but Scooby does not like cats or other small animals and definitely cannot be trusted with them. A little dog with a big personality, Scooby was overlooked for adoption for so long that he will now stay in his foster home where he enjoys a large, secure yard to play in and the company of several small dog friends.
Scooby developed a heart condition that required constant monitoring and crossed the Bridge on July 2, 2009, after his heart condition worsened dramatically. Thanks to his foster care giver, Scooby enjoyed the final years of his life surrounded by love, comfort, and the company of friends. Godspeed, little Scooby.
Mae, a 10+-year-old Boxer, entered our program on May 2009. She was heartworm positive and had clearly endured a rather rough life. We were hopeful that she would have many years of love and comfort to enjoy, but sadly Mae was diagnosed with a very advanced and aggressive form of cancer; she crossed the Bridge just weeks after she came to us. Godspeed, Mae. We wish you could have stayed longer.

Annie Brown, a 10-year-old Poodle/Bichon mix, is a loving, sweet-natured girl who came to the Sanctuary in January 2008 in a serious state of neglect and poor health. She was spayed and had a number of benign mammary tumors removed. Friendly to everyone she meets, Annie Brown is the perfect lap dog, enjoying cuddling and snuggling. She also likes to play the clown, crawling on her belly and rolling on her back. Annie Brown is a popular dog, but when she had a serious application to adopt her, she developed back problems and glaucoma that did not respond to medication. She had her left eye removed in early February 2008. The pressure in her remaining eye had begun to climb, but it is responding well to medication. Her eye will need to be monitored carefully for possible spikes in pressure. Annie Brown passed the Delta Society test in September and will begin her work as a therapy dog shortly. She, too, works at the Sanctuary's Adoption & Education Center the last Saturday of the month, so drop on by to meet Annie Brown.
Update: Sadly, Annie Brown crossed the Bridge after a brief battle with an aggressive form of cancer. Godspeed, little Annie. You have left many here who miss you and wish you could have stayed with us longer.
Turtle, 12-year-old Doxie with neurological issues and a heart murmur, but a great appetite. Medical update in a couple days. Update: Turtle was diagnosed with a serious brain disease and crossed the big bridge. Godspeed, Turtle. We wish you could have stayed longer.
Savannah, a 13-14 year old Doberman/Lab mix, was picked up by the City of Cleveland as an abandoned stray dog. She is a very affectionate, attentive, bright girl. If you have a treat in your hand, she never takes her eyes off of you until the treat is safely in her mouth. She enjoys car rides and has perfect car manners, sitting attentively in her seat and watching the scenery. She seems to like other dogs once she meets them, but she guards her toys, food, and water in their presence. Savannah developed emotional issues and insecurities apparently from being abandoned. After great difficulty, she adjusted to her foster home where she remained for two years until she crossed the bridge from age-related complications.
Moe, a beautiful, gray-faced old Chocolate Lab, came to the Sanctuary after being found wandering the streets of Cleveland. His vet check revealed that he was positive for heartworm disease, so he was being treated; Moe was otherwise healthy and was expected to make a full recovery. He was a laid back, friendly old fellow who was everyone's best friend and returned love tenfold. Sadly, Moe passed away in his sleep when he apparently suffered an embolism related to his treatment for heartworm disease. Rest in peace, Moe.

Hogan, a 10-year-old Basset/Schnauzer mix, came to us painfully thin with terrible teeth.. He was surrendered to an area shelter when his longtime caregiver died, leaving him and his Poodle friend without a home. His friend was quickly adopted, but poor Hogan remained at the shelter overlooked because of his age. He has recently been neutered and had a complete dental. He is ready for the next step in his adventure, a wonderful, loving home of his own. Hogan is a remarkable, gentle soul with bushy eyebrows that make him look mildly surprised most of the time. If you would like to help Hogan forget the sorrow of losing his home and his caregiver, please contact the Sanctuary. Hogan will quickly become your very best friend. Hogan crossed the Rainbow bridge in January 2009 after a brief illness. His sweet spirit is greatly missed.

Sporty, an 8-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog mix, was found stray on the streets of Cleveland. A lovely girl, friendly and just happy to be around you, Sporty is overweight at almost 90 pounds, and hypothyroid but otherwise healthy. She is being treated by a daily inexpensive medication that will restore the balance to her thyroid and, along with a good diet and regular, gentle exercise, will also restore her figure. She is very aware of the people around her and always tries to please. In her excitement to meet new people, she runs as fast as she possibly can, which is, in itself, a comical sight. Sporty has a delightful personality; she will cheer you, amuse you, and be your best friend. Sporty crossed the Bridge from acute liver failure in February 2008. Godspeed, Sporty. Play with the angels.

Webster, a handsome, sweet Poodle, came to the Sanctuary from a central Ohio county where he faced certain death. Webster's health was always delicate, and he had some emotional scars from his past life. But he quickly forgot all of that in his foster home where he stayed for several years until he passed away in early 2008 from lymphoma. Rest in peace, little Webster. Enjoy the happiness and health that is now yours.
Those who live in our hearts never really die.
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