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In Memory, early years
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in memory of your best old friend. Share your memories with us. Your candle remains lit for 48 hours. Visit this site as often as you wish. Old Dogs, Great Friends!
"Accept this pain with grace, for . . .
you have saved a life well worth living."
--Helen Friedman, Paws to Think, Spring 2004
Domino, a 10-year-old Dalmatian, came to the Sanctuary from a rural shelter where he was relinquished by owners who could not care for him any longer. He settled into his new foster home right away; he is friendly to the other dogs who live there, but his favorites are the ladies. He tends to be a little pushy with large males. Domino is house trained as long as he is let outside regularly. His health is good, but he must eat Hills' UD, a special food to protect him from urinary crystals. He is being treated for skin allergies as well. Domino loves to be active; he is not a couch potato and would enjoy an active home. He is very well-behaved in the house except for an occasional foray into the kitchen to counter surf. Domino crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join his friends on May 1, 2006 after a brief battle with immune disorders.

Brownie, a 12-year-old Lab mix, was taken to an area veterinarian to be put down by a family that no long wished to care for her. Luckily for Brownie, a Sanctuary volunteer walked into the vet clinic and met Brownie. The rest is history. A complete medical exam showed Brownie to be hypothyroid, which explained her incredible weight (she topped 95 pounds when we took her in). After a few months on her medication, Brownie has lost over 25 pounds and continues to move closer to her ideal weight of about 60-65 pounds. Brownie is crate trained, housebroken, and very sweet; after spending time is an area boarding kennel, Brownie has found a permanent spot in a Sanctuary foster home where she will stay for life. She has overcome her dislike of other dogs to live in relative peace with her new best canine pal, Hoover. Brownie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in March 2006. She is missed by her foster caregiver and her best friend Hoover.

Little Lyla, a 10-year-old Sheltie/Pomeranian mix, came from a southern Ohio pound and weighed in at just over 10 pounds; she has gained two pounds already and should gain another one or two to reach her ideal weight. She is an adorable little dog, resembling a tiny fox. Lyla has recently had a dental and is ready for her new home; she appears to be otherwise healthy. She loves stroking and loving and will dance to get your attention. Friendly to small dogs and cats, Lyla does not seem to like large dogs, so she needs a warm, loving home to call her own without large or aggressive dogs. Lyla crossed the Rainbow Bridge in April 2006 after being diagnosed with lung cancer and failing quickly.

Millie, an 8-year-old Black Lab mix, has been with the Sanctuary for over two years because older, large, black dogs are the last to be adopted. But now Millie has developed advanced heart disease and will remain in her foster home for the rest of her life. Even in the face of her failing health, Millie has an exuberance for life (and especially for squeaky balls) that rubs off on everyone who knows her. Your support helps to provide Millie's heart medicine and, of course, a steady supply of squeaky balls to entertain her. Millie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2006 after a long battle with heart disease.

Little Sister Salli is a 13-14 y/o Chihuahua/Doxie mix, who is very devoted to Big Sister Sandi but otherwise not overwhelmingly friendly to other animals. She loves to be brushed and petted, but she gets upset if other dogs invade her space. She and Sandi seem to have an understanding, and Sandi can share a bed with Salli, but no one else. Salli is deaf; she is a bit incontinent, but she has responded well to medication to control it. She will need the medication for life. Salli has absolutely beautiful, big brown eyes that tell you more about her feelings than anything else. She was recently diagnosed with liver disease, so she will remain in her Sanctuary foster home for life. Little Sister Salli crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2005, just three weeks after her best friend Big Sister Sandi.

Big Sister Sandi is a 13-14 y/o Basset/Doxie mix, who was rescued years ago from a back yard breeder. Sandi is a very nice dog; she LOVES to eat and then eat some more, but she is not food aggressive at all. Sandi is spayed, and she recently had a number of mammary tumors removed. The pathologist's report indicated a low grade carcinoma, probably the best we could have hoped for given the number and size of some of the tumors. Our vet is optimistic that Sandi has some quality time left to her. Because of a nasty ear infection, she is deaf and needs to have her ears cleaned frequently. If she sees you coming with ear medication, she runs as fast as she can, but she is very cooperative once she is placed on a table. Sadly, Sandi was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is responding well to her medication, but she will stay in her Sanctuary foster home with her best friends Little Sister Salli and Burt for life. Big Sister Sandi crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 16, 2005.

Pinto, a 14-17 y/o Chihuahua, was picked up on the streets on a very cold day by the City of Cleveland Kennel. His age and his delicate health will not allow him to be adopted out, so he will remain in a Sanctuary-approved hospice foster home for the rest of his life. In his foster home, Pinto knows unconditional love and receives the best medical care possible to guarantee that he will be comfortable for whatever time he has left. His nickname is Peek-a-Boo (or Boo for short) because he loves to play peek-a-boo with his blankets. Pinto has only one tooth, so his diet consists of good-tasting soft food and pumpkin to endure adequate fiber. Weighing in at a whopping 5 pounds, Little Pinto loves nothing better than curling up in a pile of soft, warm blankets and snoozing the day away. He responds well to cuddling and soft talk. Pinto crossed the Rainbow bridge in 2005 after his health deteriorated.

Heidi, a 12 y/o Australian Shepherd, was picked up as a stray by Medina County animal control. When her time was up and no one had claimed her, she came to the Sanctuary. Heidi is a very sweet and gentle dog. She has some age-related health problems: deafness from an untreated ear infection, rear leg stiffness, an eye infection, and a hairless patch from a past skin problem. She is also at least 10 pounds underweight. Her medical conditions are being treated and she is now being fed a high-quality diet. After only a couple of days in a foster home, Heidi was feeling better and her spirits improved. She may be experiencing a little bit of senility, but she responds to love and affection. Her foster family reports that she is now well-adjusted and a valued part of the extended family. Heidi crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June 2005; she is sadly missed by Debbie, her long time foster caregiver.

Gretchen Jean, the Sanctuary's second therapy dog, came to us from animal control as a matted, depressed little girl, but soon Gretchen blossomed into the happiest dog anyone could imagine. She had a smile and a wag of the tail (sometimes even a kiss) for her many, many friends. As a therapy dog, she exhibited an incredible measure of grace and humor. Her idea of therapy work was to run into an assisted living facility, roll onto her back, and stick all four legs straight into the air. Everyone laughed at Gretchen's antics. Diagnosed with cancer in January of 2004 at just 9 years old, she continued to attend Sanctuary events through the middle of May and attended every therapy dog class with Burt, the Sanctuary's third therapy dog, until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 2, 2004, to join her friends. Gretchen Jean is sadly missed by the many friends she left behind.

Toby, a 14-year-old Poodle, came to the Sanctuary from a neighboring county when he did not adapt to shelter life. He had been adopted and returned several times even though he is a sweet boy who loves affection. Shortly after Toby arrived, he was diagnosed with a fierce bladder infection. Over time, Toby's health has failed, but his spirit and his enjoyment of life remain strong. He is now being treated for kidney disease with fluid therapy three times a week. In addition to being deaf, Toby has recently lost his vision to cataracts, but he still enjoys his life and his friends in a Sanctuary foster home where he will remain. Toby crossed the Rainbow Bridge in October 2004.

Lilly Mae, a 16 y/o ShihTzu/Lhasa mix, came to the Sanctuary from Wayne County Humane Society. She was severely matted and infested with maggots, but Liz at Wayne County, saw her potential and started her medical treatment and had her groomed. She is now safe in a Sanctuary foster home which she shares with other small dogs. Lilly is a little testy when receiving treatment, but she is a loving girl. Because of her age and her need for daily treatment, she quickly became a permanent Sanctuary resident. More recently, however, Lilly Mae was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and, although her time is limited, she will receive love and quality medical care for whatever time she has left. Lilly Mae crossed the Rainbow Bridge due to cancer of the spleen on June 28, 2004.

Jingles, a 12-year-old Chocolate Lab mix, came to the Sanctuary from Cleveland animal control. He was not very well socialized, and he appeared to have been on the streets for quite some time. After several months in a foster home, he began to learn to trust and to interact with his new family and his canine friends. Jingles has recently become blind and developed some serious arthritis, which is being controlled by drug therapy. He has moved to a new Sanctuary foster home with a foster caregiver experienced with blind dogs; he will remain with the Sanctuary for life. Jingles crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2004.

Toodles, an 18-year-old miniature Poodle, was turned into an area shelter by a tearful elderly person who could no longer keep him. Toodles is a delightful boy, impeccably house trained and very loving. He enjoys being with people and is friendly to cats and other dogs. His health, however, is beginning to fail; he is being treated for Cushings Disease, lymphomas, and kidney disease, but he has responded very well his treatment, even stealing his friends' food and, as a result, gaining some weight. Toodles is a slow moving, stately gentleman who loves to go for walks with his ears flapping on the days that he feels good. Toodles crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join his very best friend Cindy Lou and his other pals on January 5, 2004.

Max, a 14-year-old Border Collie mix, was left at an area shelter when his health began to fail him. After over a year in a Sanctuary foster home, Max has regained much of his lost vitality, but because of health issues, he will remain with the Sanctuary for life. Max is a very gentle dog whose kindness is apparent in everything he does. He is being treated for recurring bladder problems and arthritis. He is enjoying his life and shares his homes with other dogs, cats, and two humans. Max crossed the Rainbow Bridge from cancer in March 2004.
Peter Prancy, a 12 y/o miniature white Poodle from Cleveland animal control, has lots of energy and love to give to his new family. Picked up as a stray, Peter Prancy had once been a cherished companion. He is neutered and happy, just waiting for you to take him home. Petie crossed the Rainbow Bridge from heart failure on March 31, 2004.
Peanut, a 14 y/o Shih Tzu from an out-of-state rescue, is lovable and friendly. He has some vision problems and has recently been diagnosed with Cushings disease which is being treated with medication. He has apparently been neglected for quite some time, but he is responding to love, medical care, and good food. Pictures will be available soon. Peanut crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 8, 2004, of renal failure.

Dusty, an 8 y/o German Shepherd, came to the City of Cleveland Kennel as a friendly stray. He loves people and other dogs and would make an excellent companion for a couple or a single person looking for a companion to share walks as well as couch time. Dusty has an enthusiasm for life coupled with a gentleness of spirit that makes him a charming fellow. He is attentive to his human companions and genuinely seems to enjoy cuddling as well as brisk play. His health is good; he has been neutered and heartworm tested. Dusty crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June 2005; he is sadly missed, especially by his friends at Inn the Dog House.

Mo, an 8-10 y/o American Eskimo mix, was picked up as a stray by the City of Cleveland Kennel. He is a beautiful dog with some lasting emotional scars from years of neglect that will require a person or couple experienced with his breed and temperament. Mo did not enjoy the company of the other dog in his first foster home but he has since been getting along better with other nonaggressive dogs that he interacts with. Mo would love a home of his own; he would do well with a person or couple experienced with handling rescue dogs who have been abused. With work and understanding of his issues, Mo is becoming a trusting, loyal companion. Mo crossed the Rainbow Bridge in October 2005 after a brief illness.

Viggo, a 9 y/o scruffy terrier mix, is a bit of a handful, but a loving dog toward people and other dogs. Viggo (named for an actor in Lord of the Rings) loves to play with other dogs and go for spirited walks. He is a bit protective of his food, but his foster caregiver is working on that issue and reports fast progress. Viggo spent his first two weeks at the Sanctuary at Inn the Dog House in Cleveland participating in doggie daycare. He absolutely loved the company of the other dogs at day care. Viggo would respond well to formal training and would be a wonderful family friend. He is healthy and neutered and would love a warm home of his own. Viggo crossed the Rainbow Bridge suddenly in August 2005 after developing a tumor of the spleen.

Sweetie, a 10-12 year old Shepherd mix, was rescued from the City of Cleveland Kennel just before her time was up. Her foster caregiver reports that she is very affectionate and loving and bonds quickly in new situations. A bit anxious in new surroundings, Sweetie needs a home with people who do not work 8-10 hours each day. She tends to be fearful of other dogs, but could probably learn to live with a submissive dog with the proper introductions and training. She is friendly and comfortable with cats. Sweetie is a couch potato; one of her favorite activities is curling up next to a warm human. Housebroken, but not crate trained, Sweetie is losing her hearing but otherwise healthy. Sweetie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2004.

Stella, a 10 y/o, partially deaf Dalmatian, was picked up as a stray in a neighboring county. She is house trained and has excellent house manners. A loving companion, Stella was devoted to her foster family. She developed a heart murmur and related health problems that gradually grew worse and worse until she crossed the bridge to join her many friends on September 14, 2004. She is sadly missed by her foster family and her extended Sanctuary family and friends.
Rex, a 12 y/o Black Shepherd mix, was a beautiful, gentle spirit, who tragically lost his life on July 22, 2004, in a preventable accident. Just 28 hours after entering his new foster home and in clear violation of our policies, Rex was left alone outside in a storm and became frightened and disoriented; he lost his life in the pool. The Sanctuary mourns the senseless loss of Rex's life. We promised to keep him safe, and we failed him. Please hug your dogs and keep them always safe in memory of Rex. Godspeed, Rex.

Fiona, a 10 y/o, 12-pound Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix, was taken from an out-of-county APL to the pound to be euthanized simply because she is older. Fiona was in terrible shape when she came to the Sanctuary; she had significant hair loss and was covered in sores from untreated allergies. She responded exceptionally well to a healthy diet and a loving home environment. Sadly, Fiona developed a heart condition and remain in her Sanctuary foster home until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join her many friends on June 16, 2004.

Annabel, a 10-year-old, tricolor, spayed Basset mix was adopted by Pam in September 2002 and enjoyed the best home and lots of love. She looked just like a Basset except for her short ears! She had an excellent temperament and a wonderful hound voice. When her companion had to enter a nursing home, Annabel ended up in a shelter in northern Kentucky before she came to the Sanctuary and found Pam. Annabel was obedient and quiet, and she loved to cuddle. She is sadly missed.
Coco, a beautiful 6-7 y/o Boxer, was picked up as a stray by the City of Cleveland Kennel; she had been badly abused, starved, and bred to the point of exhaustion. Coco was not well socialized, but she became more and more trusting and loving each day that she spent in her foster home. She loved other dogs and was very gentle with the resident cats. Coco crossed the Rainbow Bridge in early February from sudden heart failure.

Guido T. Puppy, a 15-year-old Sheltie/Shepherd mix, came to the Sanctuary in 2000 from an abusive situation in a neighboring state. A permanent Sanctuary resident, Guido quickly learned to love being an indoor dog; he was a natural lover and a cuddler. A favorite with people and other dogs, Guido was the first to climb into the lap of a visitor (he did not know that he was too big to be a lap dog). Battling kidney disease and an aggressive form of cancer, Guido crossed the bridge to join his three best friends--Georgia, Ted, and Angel--on December 15, 2003. Guido's passing leaves a deep hole in the hearts of Sanctuary volunteers because he was the last of the original Sanctuary dogs.

PeeWee (Freeway), a 12 y/o black (with some dignified graying) toy Poodle, came to the Sanctuary when her guardian died and no one was left who could care for her properly. Even though many people were interested in her, she developed serious heart problems just days before her adoption was to be finalized, so she stayed in a Sanctuary foster home for the rest of her life. PeeWee lived for just six weeks after her initial diagnosis, but during that time she enjoyed her life. She loved her pack of dogs friends and loved to run with the big dogs (PeeWee knew no fear). PeeWee loved to eat as long as her meals were topped with green peas or bananas. PeeWee crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 16, 2003.

Angel, the very first senior dog rescued by what would--many dogs later--become The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs, was a Whippet/Collie mix who was left alone when her person died in March 1999 and scheduled to be taken to an area shelter. Angel was very timid at first. She had never been on a walk, and she shook like a leaf and drooled everywhere. With love and encouragement, she blossomed and quickly became Ms. Alpha, teaching all newcomers the rules. First rule of the house: Don't touch Angel's toys, food, or kitty cuddler. She was being treated for chronic inflammatory bowel disease and a bleeding ulcer when her body failed her completely. After gracing the Sanctuary with her presence for four and a half years, Angel joined her many, many friends at the Rainbow Bridge on September 11, 2003.

Cory, a 10 year-old Yorkie mix with failing vision, came to the Sanctuary from the Wayne County Humane Society. After a complete health check and a dental to remove most of his teeth, Cory was ready for his new home. Many people applied for Cory, but he chose his new home carefully. He lived with his four human pals, a couple of cat friends, and his best buddy ever, Frankie, a young Westie who loved to run and play with Cory. Cory crossed the Rainbow Bridge in September after a brief illness. His family, and especially Frankie, miss his gentle spirit.

Hans, an 11-year-old German Shepherd mix, was a handsome, gentle dog who loved to cuddle and bask in the warmth of a loving home. At over 100 pounds, Hans was not comfortable at the City of Cleveland Kennel and was thrilled to leave the night before he was to be put down. Hans was truly a gentle giant who found his place at Sunrise of Rocky River where he lived for six months; he spent his days and nights giving and getting love from the residents. In August 2003, Hans' arthritis could no longer be successfully treated and he crossed the Rainbow Bridge surrounded by people who loved him. He is sadly missed by everyone at Sunrise.

Rachel lived the first 11 years of her life in the same outdoor wire pen as Poutie, Goldie, Jasper, and Smokey and Jennifer. A result of careless breeding among unaltered dogs, Rachel was the only puppy in the litter that did not find a home of her own. A sweet-natured Yellow Lab mix, she was waiting for her forever home when Elaine from Columbus, OH, saw her picture on the web page. Even though Elaine worried about Rachel's age, she couldn't get her sad eyes out of her mind. After a great deal of soul searching, Elaine drove to Geauga County to meet Rachel. The rest is history. Elaine and Rachel shared 16 wonderful months together before Rachel crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 12, 2003. They shared family vacations, walks in the woods, and a special bond that will never be broken.

Sugar, a 7-8 year-old Beagle, spent weeks in the City of Cleveland Kennel before she came to the Sanctuary. Sugar had a large mammary tumor removed, and her chest x-rays showed possible lung cancer. Even though her prognosis was poor, Erin saw Sugar's face on PetFinder and immediately fell in love. Erin and Sugar enjoyed each other's company for 20 months before the cancer returned. Sugar had the best that life had to offer--dog beds and blankets in every room, doggie daycare while Erin worked, and the love of a lifetime. In return, Erin had Sugar's unconditional love and devotion and, of course, Sugar's famous food dance. Erin helped Sugar cross the Rainbow Bridge in August 2003, where Sugar can run again pain-free.

Brie, 10 y/o Poodle/Lhasa mix spayed female was picked up as a stray by Cleveland animal control. A very sweet dog, Brie had a grade 5 heart murmur which kept her from being spayed. As a result, she remained at the Sanctuary for life in our special foster home for small dogs. Brie was happy and enjoyed spending her time with the other Sanctuary fosters and permanent residents. Brie crossed the Bridge in July 2003 in the arms of her longtime foster caregiver.

Ted came to the Sanctuary in August 2001 in such bad shape that we did not hold much hope for him. He was severely overweight and literally groaned with each slow step he took. After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a condition that is common in older dogs and relatively easy to treat, Ted lost a remarkable 33 pounds and developed a bounce to his step. He lived happily and quickly became Georgia's best friend. They went together for weekly massage treatments and sometimes an ice cream cone, and Ted barked happily the whole way. When Georgia's health failed and she crossed the bridge, Ted seemed to lose his will to live. He failed rapidly and joined her just six short days later on July 1, 2003, leaving everyone who knew this handsome boy to miss his irrepressible spirit.

Georgia, the Sanctuary's first therapy dog, came from an area shelter three years ago. She was thin, sad, and covered in lumps and warts. Her age was originally estimated at 16, but after a few weeks of good food, love, and medical care, we realized that she was probably about 11 or 12 instead. Georgia earned her Therapy Dog International and Canine Good Citizenship certification in April 2001 and devoted the next year and a half to bringing smiles to the residents of local hospitals and assisted living facilities. She became the official representative of the Sanctuary and proudly represented us at events and fundraisers. Through Georgia, countless people came to understand the important contribution old dogs can make, not only to the lives of those who love them, but to society as well. Her unwavering dedication and her bravery in the face of adversity inspired everyone who met her. On June 25, 2003, Georgia crossed the Rainbow Bridge, leaving a hole in all of our hearts. Godspeed, Georgia, until we meet again.

Grover, the mostly Australian Cattle Dog, came to the Sanctuary from the City of Cleveland Kennel. A spunky 8 y/o, Grover was full of life and promise, but the routine bloodwork performed on all new Sanctuary dogs suggested a problem that further tests proved to be an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. His prognosis was very poor, but Sanctuary volunteer Heather opened her home and her heart to Grover, knowing that his time was short. Grover enjoyed Heather and her friend Patrick's love and care for three weeks before his body failed him completely. Grover crossed the Bridge on May 26, 2003, in Heather's arms.

Windsor, a 15-year-old Black Lab mix with wonderfully soulful eyes and distinguished white fur on his face, was abandoned at a local boarding kennel by a rescuer who moved away and forgot about her rescues. Windsor found a permanent spot in one of the Sanctuary's foster homes after a long year in the kennel. He enjoyed the good life with Tim, Theresa, their children, and three other dogs; during the year Windsor spent with his foster family, he basked in the warmth and love he had missed for so long. Windsor crossed the Rainbow Bridge after his kidneys failed him on May 5, 2003, surrounded by the family that had cared for him so well.

Cindy Lou, a 16-year-old Schnoodle, was picked up as a stray by animal control in a neighboring county. She came to the Sanctuary with Toodles the Poodle and was adopted by Melissa in New Hampshire to be her office dog. Cindy Lou and Toodles missed each other so much that Cindy Lou returned to Ohio to resume her relationship with Toodles. They lived together happily with only the occasional squabble over the best position on the dog bed. Cindy Lou and Toodles wrote their own love story each day that they spent together. Cindy Lou was a guest on a local television show and attended a meeting of the Western Reserve Kennel Club. On April 19, 2003, Cindy Lou left her best friend Toodles behind and crossed the Rainbow Bridge when her kidneys failed her. She has left a huge hole in the hearts of all who love her.
In memory of Willie
He lost his home to a fire and lost his life to cancer
on March 22, 2003. Rest in peace now, Prince William.
Marla and Mitchell were a sad sight at the City of Cleveland Kennel huddled in their separate cages. Frightened and ill, Marla and Mitchell stood no chance of adoption. But against the odds, both were adopted in a short time. Marla was a spry old girl despite neurological problems that cause back leg weakness. Marla found her forever home with Pops, a senior person who loved Marla ("Best dog I ever had," he was often heard to say) and cooked chicken for her each morning. When Pops went into the hospital, Marla was grief stricken. She died a short time later in December 2002. Her friend Mitchell crossed the Bridge just weeks earlier.

Carrington (Cary Grant), an 8-10-year-old Spaniel/Terrier mix, was found wandering the streets of Cleveland by a good Samaritan. Cary had a raw nose, a head wound infested with maggots, and mats the size of baseballs. Cary had surgery to remove a deposit of sand from his bladder. Cary was deaf but responded well to hand signals. He loved to play with other dogs, bouncing and running in excitement when he saw them. Although Cary never found his forever home, he lived happily in a Sanctuary foster home until he joined his friends at the Bridge on November 25, 2002. Cary had a sudden heart attack after battling hemolytic anemia for several weeks.

Mitchell was diagnosed as hypothyroid shortly after arriving at the Sanctuary from city animal control. But with veterinary care and medication, Mitchell's improvement was striking. Mitchell (along with Jeffie) was adopted by Paul and Carolyn who wanted an old, mellow dog, and Mitchell fit the bill. Mitchell was happy in his new home where he enjoyed lots of love and short walks to help strengthen his back legs. He completely enjoyed his human, dog, and cat companions until he went to the Bridge from kidney failure on November 20, 2002.

Fizzy, a sweet-natured, 14-year-old Poodle boy, was given up by a family that no longer wanted him. Lucky for Fizzy, a new family and a special new dog best friend were waiting for him. References had been checked and approved before Fizzy even arrived, and he went to his new home just a half hour after arriving at the Sanctuary. Fizzy enjoyed his new family and fit in right away. His morning walk was one of his and his companions' favorite moments of the day. He always ran to the door with his head down waiting for his harness to be put on. Fizzy went to the Bridge after a short illness on November 13, 2002.

Sandy, a 14-year-old Sheltie/Pomeranian mix, was a sweet and loving dog, but very shy. Her guardian, who had just adopted Sandy a year earlier, had to go into a nursing home which left poor Sandy at the Zanesville Animal Shelter. When the Sanctuary took her in, she had a tumor on her mouth which was removed. Unfortunately for Sandy, the tumor was malignant, and her prognosis was not good. Sandy enjoyed many months at the Sanctuary before her cancer returned. Sweet Sandy went to the Bridge on September 28, 2002.

Henry, a Beagle/Coonhound mix, was a frequent visitor at an Ashtabula County construction site in the fall of 2000. The foreman, wanting to get rid of him, drove him 50 miles east and dropped him off. But the next day, Henry was back. The foreman then threatened to shoot Henry, who actually belonged to a family next door to the site. A kindhearted construction worker took Henry home with the blessing of Henry's family, but he was beaten up badly by his rescuer's resident dogs. After spending four months at the Sanctuary, Henry was adopted by a wonderful woman in need of a faithful companion in February 2001. Henry was the Sanctuary's very first adoption. Sadly, Henry went to the Bridge on September 20, 2002, after a brief but serious illness. God speed, Henry.
Poutie (left), a sweet, frail 16-year-old Husky mix, lived with a large number of dogs in wood and wire pens in Geauga County. A woman in Pennsylvania saw Poutie on our web site and wanted to make sure that Poutie knew what it felt like to be loved for whatever time she had left. Plagued by a multitude of health problems, Poutie healed nicely and learned to enjoy love and life in her new home. Poutie became 95% housebroken in a matter of days; her skin healed, and her step had a bounce to it. Poutie, however, became the victim of divorce and was returned to the Sanctuary in January 2002, where she was happily reunited with her sister Jasper. In failing health and diagnosed with a brain tumor, Poutie joined Jasper at the bridge on April 19, 2002.
Jasper (right), a 16-year-old Husky/Malamute mix, lived outdoors her entire life. She came to the Sanctuary in March when her keepers reported her health was failing. Jasper lived only two weeks at the Sanctuary; her body had been ravaged by infection and age, but she was reunited with Poutie, her littermate, and they spent their time together, enjoying their reunion. During her brief stay at the Sanctuary, she received love and care, perhaps for the first time in her life. She amazed everyone who met her with her gentle, loving spirit. She and Poutie slept together, heads resting on each other. Jasper's body failed her completely on April 1, 2002, and she journeyed across the Rainbow bridge where she was joined by Poutie less than three weeks later.

Edna, a sad-eyed 10-year-old Yellow Lab mix, found her way to the City of Cleveland Kennel as a stray. Edna came to the Sanctuary where she suffered from a very stubborn strain of kennel cough that debilitated her. Sue fell in love with Edna and made arrangements to adopt her, but Edna's health continued to fail. Sue agreed to provide permanent foster care to Edna. Sadly, however, Edna went to the Bridge with cancer on March 7, 2002, just two days after moving into Sue's loving home.
Ricardo was a 7-year-old male Chihuahua, apparently used to breed and then discarded. Shandra discovered him at the City of Cleveland Kennel and called the Sanctuary. No one could resist Ricardo's sad eyes and huge ears, so he was neutered and had a much-needed dental. He remained in foster care with Sanctuary board members Barb and Barb, waiting for his very own forever home. But Ricardo went into sudden and irreversible liver failure and joined his Sanctuary friends at the Bridge on March 7, 2002.

Rose, a very old Shepherd mix, had collapsed from poor health and the heat when Sarah Westman, Geauga County Humane Officer, scooped her up on a hot day in May 2000. Rose recovered, but her health remained very delicate. She loved to wander in circles and rub her nose all over visitors, earning her the nickname �Rose Le Nose.� Rose was also well known for her strong opinions, especially at Gateway Animal Clinic. A real �hoot,� as she was dubbed by one of our board members, Rose joined her friends at the Rainbow Bridge on October 20, 2001.
Jackson was found wandering the streets by Cleveland animal control and ended up in the City of Cleveland Kennel where Shandra discovered him and called the Sanctuary. The Kennel must have been especially frightening for Jackson because he was blind from cataracts. He quickly learned to high step through his new yard with confidence and pleasure. Jackson tested positive for heartworm and successfully went through treatment. He was also being treated for secondary glaucoma. Jackson lived at the Sanctuary and was being evaluated for possible therapy dog training. Tragically, Jackson suffered from gastric torsion and died on August 27, 2001. The sun always warmed Jackson, but now he can see its beauty.

Annie, a 10-year-old black Lab mix, was found wandering in Ashtabula County by a kindhearted woman who offered Annie love, warmth, and the first good food she had enjoyed in quite some time judging by her thin appearance. Our local animal champion Dick Goddard contacted the Sanctuary in May 2001 and made a generous donation toward Annie's care. Annie spent her remaining time at the Sanctuary and was cheerful and affectionate even when she must have been in some discomfort. A medical exam revealed a BB lodged in her side. Annie also survived heartworm treatment only to be diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer soon afterward. Annie went to the bridge surrounded by love on July 5, 2001.

Samantha, a Golden Retriever mix, was a tough survivor. A fire took her eyes but not her spirit in May 1999. She learned her way around the house and yard in a matter of days and enjoyed trips to the lake and the park. But most of all, she enjoyed the company of Ralph until his passing. Sammie was the queen of the grunt, grunting loudly to show both pleasure and displeasure. She developed renal disease and failed rapidly, crossing the Bridge on September 11, 2000. Her spirit remains an inspiration to all who knew her, and she proved the old adage that �blind dogs see with their hearts.�

Ralph spent most of his life chained under a truck behind a nursery in Middleburg Heights, OH. Visitors to the nursery made numerous calls to local authorities about his treatment, but Ralph, a 10-year-old German Shepherd mix, continued to slip through the cracks of a system that does not adequately protect animals. But after his rescue by Mary and a brief stay at the Geauga Humane Society, Ralph joined his dog friends here at the Sanctuary and learned how to enjoy the brief time that was left to him. His loving spirit filled the house, touching all who knew him, but Ralph left us far too soon on March 22, 2000, leaving his special friend Samantha and all of us to grieve his passing.
A Special Tribute to Little Gretchen
Little Gretchen was a small terrier mix who died surrounded by people who loved her after being in her foster home for only five hours. The Sanctuary found Gretchen in a local animal control facility where she had waited 21 long days for her family who promised they would come for her, but they never found the time. We knew she was gravely ill when we took her, but we wanted to give her a chance at life or at least to let her go to the Bridge with love. Play in endless summer, little Gretchen. We have no photo of you, but your memory lives on.
Those who live in our hearts never really die.
Copyright 2009
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